Thursday, February 19, 2009

TOC Day 4

OMG, Solvang, California was about the most Disney looking town outside of the Magic Kingdom. Some people feel that it was intended to look like a Danish town, but it really feels just like Disney. The small group of us rode out of Goleta, up OSM for a "little warm-up", 1,400 feet of climbing in 30 minutes. This was the same route we rode the night I arrived, except two-thirds of the way up, we took a left and headed towards Solvang. I had been led to believe that this turn would have been the end of the climbing for a bit, except the road went up another 1,000 feet. Nothing like 2,400 feet of climbing in the first hour of a ride to warm you up. From there, we descended into the valley and rolled along some amazingly scenic roadways. I've heard for years that in California you can drive an hour one way and get to the ocean or an hour the other way and get to the mountains, but until you really see if for yourself, it's tough to comprehend what it would look like either way. Snowcapped mountains, rolling fields and ocean views were fantastic.

Arriving in Solvang, our group was set upon having some lunch while we waited for Gary to take a couple of laps on the TOC TT course. The same course that the pro's will ride on Friday, and that Gary will be participating in the amateur race earlier that day. The intention was that while Gary was riding, we would check out Solvang, something that was missing from last years trip. I'm proud to say that after two and a half hours, we checked out a single outdoor cafe. Two of the triplets, Tom and myself plopped outselves outside a nice ladies cafe, had lunch, a beer and a whole lot of sun action. Fair-skinned Scott has some nice red legs from the rest.

Once we collected Gary, we did tool around a very short bit before heading home. Gary in the car, and us on our bikes. Again, as soon as we left the town, the horse farms, national park and other open fields were amazing. Great, quiet roads to ride on, and about another 1,000 feet of climbing. It pretty much felt like we just started the day over. This was about the height of the climbing for the day, a quick cut across four lanes of highway traffic, and a monster descent (four miles and 1,000 feet, the climbs giveth, and the descents taketh) and we were on our way home.

Thoroughly exhausted, beat red, full belly and new brakepads, and I've completed the "rest day". Tomorrow is a hammerfest with the local pros for about 80 miles or so. All in time to be home to have lunch and watch the TOC on television!

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